KAIST AIPR Lab Artificial Intelligence & Probabilistic Reasoning Lab


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We are seeking highly motivated student researchers (MS/PhD program students or post docs). For those who are interested, email the professor here.


Featured Recent Publications

Young Jin Ahn*, Jungwoo Park*, Sangha Park, Jonghyun Choi, Kee-Eung Kim: SyncVSR: Data-Efficient Visual Speech Recognition with End-to-End Crossmodal Audio Token Synchronization. Interspeech. 2024. [📄 Abstract] [✏️ Paper]

Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) stands at the intersection of computer vision and speech recognition, aiming to interpret spoken content from visual cues. A prominent challenge in VSR is the presence of homophenes—visually similar lip gestures that represent different phonemes. Prior approaches have sought to distinguish fine-grained visemes by aligning visual and auditory semantics, but often fell short of full synchronization. To address this, we present SyncVSR, an end-to-end learning framework that leverages quantized audio for frame-level crossmodal supervision. By integrating a projection layer that synchronizes visual representation with acoustic data, our encoder learns to generate discrete audio tokens from a video sequence in a non-autoregressive manner. SyncVSR shows versatility across tasks, languages, and modalities at the cost of a forward pass. Our empirical evaluations show that it not only achieves state-of-the-art results but also reduces data usage by up to ninefold.

Yunseon Choi, Sangmin Bae, Seonghyun Ban, Minchan Jeong, Chuheng Zhang, Lei Song, Li Zhao, Jiang Bian, Kee-Eung Kim: Hard Prompts Made Interpretable: Sparse Entropy Regularization for Prompt Tuning with RL. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). 2024. Oral presentation [📄 Abstract] [✏️ Paper]

With the advent of foundation models, prompt tuning has positioned itself as an important technique for directing model behaviors and eliciting desired responses. Prompt tuning regards selecting appropriate keywords included into the input, thereby adapting to the downstream task without adjusting or fine-tuning the model parameters. There is a wide range of work in prompt tuning, from approaches that directly harness the backpropagated gradient signals from the model, to those employing blackbox optimization such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. Our primary focus is on RLPrompt, which aims to find optimal prompt tokens leveraging soft Q-learning. While the results show promise, we have observed that the prompts frequently appear unnatural, which impedes their interpretability. We address this limitation by using sparse Tsallis entropy regularization, a principled approach to filtering out unlikely tokens from consideration. We extensively evaluate our approach across various tasks, including few-shot text classification, unsupervised text style transfer, and textual inversion from images. The results indicate a notable improvement over baselines, highlighting the efficacy of our approach in addressing the challenges of prompt tuning. Moreover, we show that the prompts discovered using our method are more natural and interpretable compared to those from other baselines (Deng et al., 2022)

Yunseon Choi, Li Zhao, Chuheng Zhang, Lei Song, Jiang Bian, Kee-Eung Kim: Diversification of Adaptive Policy for Effective Offline Reinforcement Learning. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2024. [📄 Abstract] [✏️ Paper]

Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) aims to learn policies from pre-collected datasets that capture only a subset of the environment's dynamics. The predominant approach has been to solve a constrained optimization formulation, which ensures that the policy visits state-action pairs within the support of the offline dataset. However, this approach has limited the ability to make decisions when the agent faces unknown parts of the environment at deployment time. To address the challenge of decision-making in out-of-support regions, model-based Bayes-adaptive approaches have been proposed by considering all dynamics models that could potentially be the true environment. Since it is generally infeasible to compute the posterior of all dynamics models based on the offline dataset, these approaches usually approximate the posterior by using a finite ensemble of highly probable dynamics models. Hence, the diversity of these models is the key to obtaining good policies. In this work, we propose MoDAP (Model-based Diverse Adaptive Policy Learning), an algorithm to enable the adaptive policy to make informed decisions in previously unexplored states. MoDAP adopts an iterative strategy that simultaneously training the policy and dynamics models. The policy optimization seeks to maximize expected returns across dynamics models, while the dynamics models are trained to promote policy diversification through the proposed information-theoretic objective. We evaluate MoDAP through experiments on the D4RL and NeoRL benchmarks, showcasing its performance superiority over state-of-the-art algorithms.

Haanvid Lee, Tri Wahyu Guntara, Jongmin Lee, Yung-Kyun Noh, Kee-Eung Kim: Kernel Metric Learning for In-Sample Off-Policy Evaluation of Deterministic RL Policies. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). 2024. Spotlight [📄 Abstract] [✏️ Paper]

We consider off-policy evaluation (OPE) of deterministic target policies for reinforcement learning (RL) in environments with continuous action spaces. While it is common to use importance sampling for OPE, it suffers from high variance when the behavior policy deviates significantly from the target policy. In order to address this issue, some recent works on OPE proposed in-sample learning with importance resampling. Yet, these approaches are not applicable to deterministic target policies for continuous action spaces. To address this limitation, we propose to relax the deterministic target policy using a kernel and learn the kernel metrics that minimize the overall mean squared error of the estimated temporal difference update vector of an action value function, where the action value function is used for policy evaluation. We derive the bias and variance of the estimation error due to this relaxation and provide analytic solutions for the optimal kernel metric. In empirical studies using various test domains, we show that the OPE with in-sample learning using the kernel with optimized metric achieves significantly improved accuracy than other baselines.
